Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Autumn's Sun

Carole Villeneuve
October 2010

14 in. x 22 in.

The flower that is truly Autumn's Sun. Growing through the hot  prairie summer
 on a sturdy stock, alone or in a field supported by others.  When the season turns
 to fall it explodes like sunbursts in the colours of the sun, then  follows the sun 
on its journey across the sky from east to west.  

Monday, 11 October 2010

Le livre bleu du père Noël


Carole Villeneuve
Noël 2010

14 in. x 22 in.

Santa 8 Collection

Les termes livre bleu ou blue book désignent un rapport annuel ou toute autre compilation de statistiques et données chiffrées. Le terme date du XV siècle, époque où de grand livres de velours bleu étaient utilisés pour tenir les archives du parlement du Royaume-Uni.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Time to Reflect


Carole Villeneuve
July 2010

14"x 19"

The bold and varied colours and patterns of the reflections on the water are only a small part of the reflections in this painting.  By reflecting on the similarities and differences of different cultures we can begin to know ourselves better and how, by making an effort to understand others, we can make a positive difference in our world. 

Sunday, 20 June 2010

La bonne chance

Carole Villeneuve
juin 2010

19"x 14"

Choose any bamboo stem (culm)  from this forest
 and feel the good luck that comes from the culm of one the
 fastest growing plants in the world.    

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Après les fleurs


Carole Villeneuve
mai 2010

14"x 11"

Monday, 22 March 2010

La joie du printemps

Carole Villeneuve
mars 2010

10"x 26"
Spring tulips and love go together. In ancient Persia, red tulips were given as an expression of love.  Look deep into the black centers of these tulips and see why they were said to represent the lover's heart, burned to a coal by love's passion. These red tulips seem to burst with joy as they shout out for the awakening of a new season.