Friday, 8 February 2013

Le plus petit oiseau


# 111
Carole Villeneuve
février 2013

8" x 8"

This painting offers us the opportunity to observe the hummingbird 
sitting on a branch of the fuchsia shrub, 
which is contrary to it's usual tireless energy.  This tiny bird is 
often referred to as a symbol for peace, love and happiness.  
The fuchsia is a flower associated with good taste and confiding love.

Bonne chance et meilleurs voeux


# 110
Carole Villeneuve
février 2013

8" x 8"

This is the second painting in a series featuring two white-crested laughing thrush.  These thrush can be seen in Africa, India, Asia and the East Indies. In China, this "white head bird" is a symbol of longevity.  A gift of this painting is a symbol of good wishes for the family.

Un oiseau bleu


# 109
Carole Villeneuve
février 2013

8" x 8"

The painting of this bird is named for the colour of the bird, not the name of the bird.  Not all blue birds are Bluebirds. A reminder that our words can easily be misunderstood and the importance of listening to understand.