Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Remembrance Day Reflection

Imagine a world where everyone believed and achieved 
Peace Begins With Me

Believe It and Achieve It

Monday, 10 November 2014

Les citrouilles et le camion

Carole Villeneuve
novembre 2014

22" x 10"

Pumpkins have long since become a symbol of autumn. 
 In this painting of pumpkins and an old truck, we see a perfect pairing of times past. 
Pumpkins are among the oldest domesticated plants on Earth. 
Archaeological evidence suggests that pumpkins have been cultivated 
as far back as 10,000 B.C.  
This old truck may not be that old, but from the rust on its fenders,
 it has had countless adventures.  
Perhaps it has delivered a few pumpkin pies.